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Product improvements

Check out the AssemblyAI changelog to see weekly accuracy and product improvements our team has been working on.

Powering incredible companies


Webhook Status Codes, Entity Detection Improved

  • POST requests from the API to webhook URLs will now accept any status code from 200 to 299 as a successful HTTP response. Previously only 200 status codes were accepted.
  • Updated the text key in our Entity Detection feature to return the proper noun rather than the possessive noun. For example, Andrew instead of Andrew’s.

  • Fixed an edge case with Entity Detection where under certain contexts, a disfluency could be identified as an entity.


Punctuation and Casing Accuracy Improved, Inverse Text Normalization Model Updated

  • Released v4 of our Punctuation model, increasing punctuation and casing accuracy by ~2%.
  • Updated our Inverse Text Normalization (ITN) model for our /v2/transcript endpoint, improving web address and email address formatting and fixing the occasional number formatting issue.

  • Fixed an edge case where multi-channel files would return no text when the two channels were out of phase with each other.


Punctuation and Casing Accuracy Improved, Inverse Text Normalization Model Updated

  • Released v4 of our Punctuation model, increasing punctuation and casing accuracy by ~2%.
  • Updated our Inverse Text Normalization (ITN) model for our /v2/transcript endpoint, improving web address and email address formatting and fixing the occasional number formatting issue.

  • Fixed an edge case where multi-channel files would return no text when the two channels were out of phase with each other.


Support for Non-English Languages Coming Soon

  • Our Deep Learning team has been hard at work training our new non-English language models. In the coming weeks, we will be adding support for French, German, Italian, and Spanish.


Support for Non-English Languages Coming Soon

  • Our Deep Learning team has been hard at work training our new non-English language models. In the coming weeks, we will be adding support for French, German, Italian, and Spanish.