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New Streaming STT features

We’ve added a new message type to our Streaming Speech-to-Text (STT) service. This new message type SessionInformation is sent immediately before the final SessionTerminated message when closing a Streaming session, and it contains a field called audio_duration_seconds which contains the total audio duration processed during the session. This feature allows customers to run end-user-specific billing calculations.

To enable this feature, set the enable_extra_session_information query parameter to true when connecting to a Streaming WebSocket.

endpoint_str = 'wss://

This feature will be rolled out in our SDKs soon.

We’ve added a new feature to our Streaming STT service, allowing users to disable Partial Transcripts in a Streaming session. Our Streaming API sends two types of transcripts - Partial Transcripts (unformatted and unpunctuated) that gradually build up the current utterance, and Final Transcripts which are sent when an utterance is complete, containing the entire utterance punctuated and formatted.

Users can now set the disable_partial_transcripts query parameter to true when connecting to a Streaming WebSocket to disable the sending of Partial Transcript messages.

endpoint_str = 'wss://

This feature will be rolled out in our SDKs soon.

We have fixed a bug in our async transcription service, eliminating File does not appear to contain audio errors. Previously, this error would be surfaced in edge cases where our transcoding pipeline would not have enough resources to transcode a given file, thus failing due to resource starvation.