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Product improvements

Check out the AssemblyAI changelog to see weekly accuracy and product improvements our team has been working on.

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Severity Scores for Content Safety

  • The API now returns a severity score along with the confidence and label keys when using the Content Safety feature.
  • The severity score measures how intense a detected Content Safety label is on a scale of 0 to 1.
  • For example, a natural disaster that leads to mass casualties will have a score of 1.0, while a small storm that breaks a mailbox will only be 0.1.

  • Fixed an edge case where a small number of transcripts with Automatic Transcript Highlights turned on were not returning any results.


Severity Scores for Content Safety

  • The API now returns a severity score along with the confidence and label keys when using the Content Safety feature.
  • The severity score measures how intense a detected Content Safety label is on a scale of 0 to 1.
  • For example, a natural disaster that leads to mass casualties will have a score of 1.0, while a small storm that breaks a mailbox will only be 0.1.

  • Fixed an edge case where a small number of transcripts with Automatic Transcript Highlights turned on were not returning any results.


Real-time Transcription and Streaming Fixes

  • Fixed an edge case where higher sample rates would occasionally trigger a Client sent audio too fast error from the Real-Time Streaming WebSocket API.
  • Fixed an edge case where some streams from Real-Time Streaming WebSocket API were held open after a customer idled their session.
  • Fixed an edge case in the /v2/stream endpoint, where large periods of silence would occasionally cause automatic punctuation to fail.
  • Improved error handling when non-JSON input is sent to the /v2/transcript endpoint.


Real-time Transcription and Streaming Fixes

  • Fixed an edge case where higher sample rates would occasionally trigger a Client sent audio too fast error from the Real-Time Streaming WebSocket API.
  • Fixed an edge case where some streams from Real-Time Streaming WebSocket API were held open after a customer idled their session.
  • Fixed an edge case in the /v2/stream endpoint, where large periods of silence would occasionally cause automatic punctuation to fail.
  • Improved error handling when non-JSON input is sent to the /v2/transcript endpoint.


Punctuation v3, Word Search, Bug Fixes

  • v3 Punctuation Model released.
  • v3 brings improved accuracy to automatic punctuation and casing for both async (/v2/transcript) and real-time (WebSocket API) transcripts.
  • Released an all-new Word Search feature that will allow developers to search for words in a completed transcript.
  • This new feature returns how many times the word was spoken, the index of that word in the transcript's JSON response word list/array, and the associated timestamps for each matched word.

  • Fixed an issue causing a small subset of words not to be filtered when profanity filtering was turned on.