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Product improvements

Check out the AssemblyAI changelog to see weekly accuracy and product improvements our team has been working on.

Powering incredible companies


Content Safety Detection and Topic Detection are now GA!

Today we have released two of our enterprise-level models, Content Safety Detection and Topic Detection, to all users!

Now any developer can make use of these cutting edge models within their applications and products. Explore these new features in our Docs:


Content Safety Detection and Topic Detection are now GA!

Today we have released two of our enterprise-level models, Content Safety Detection and Topic Detection, to all users!

Now any developer can make use of these cutting edge models within their applications and products. Explore these new features in our Docs:


Minor Update to PII Redaction

With this minor update, our Redaction Model will better detect Social Security Numbers and Medical References for additional security and data protection!


Minor Update to PII Redaction

With this minor update, our Redaction Model will better detect Social Security Numbers and Medical References for additional security and data protection!


New Punctuation Model (v2)

Today we released a new punctuation model that is more extensive than its predecessor, and will drive improvements in punctuation and casing accuracy!